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March 4th. Meeting Agenda

Posted: March 1st, 2013, 3:34 pm
by tahrens
We will have the regular order of business followed by reports on the new optional
"Side Pot" bet for additional N.T.C. spots through The Walleye Federation that can be held in conjuntion with our regular club tournaments. We will also have discussion on the upcomming Sport Show, Hank's March 9th. seminar, April Kid's Trout Stocking Event, Walleye harvest recording on the Cedar River and more.
Also the new Hats and Shirts are done and will be available Monday at the meeting.
Hats $13.00/Short sleeve shirts $11.00/ Long Sleeve Shirts with arm logo $18.00 this is our cost.
We currently have one participant for the Outdoor Journey for Girls. If you know a young lady 12 to 15 years old, that would like to be sponsored by the Club, let me know.

Hope to see you monday!