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Hickory Hills Ice

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 10:00 am
by HookedUp1
Has anyone ice fished Hickory Hills? I was wondering about Ice thickness and any spot I should stay away from?
Going down there Saturday.

Re: Hickory Hills Ice

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 12:50 pm
by wingding
Santa and I went to hickory hills last week end. Had 4 t0 5 inches of ice. I would call it good ice. Lots of people out there. Go in on 1st boat ramp by the dike. Go out to the middle straight away(south I'd say)from the ramp. I caught a 12 3/4 in. crappie and some smaller ones. Also got some 8 ring Perch and some gils. All in all good fishing. Good luck! Jim.

Re: Hickory Hills Ice

Posted: January 30th, 2012, 5:06 pm
by HookedUp1
Went To Hickory Hills Saturday, not much happening, 1 large mouth bass. Marked alot of fish but no serious takers :x
Ice is just as you had said around 5 inches.

Went to Big Woods Lake in the after noon - 1 crappie, two bluegill.
Ice was about the same depth around 5 to 6 inches

Next time you see Big AL, ask him if a number 12 size boot fits into a 8' hole! :shock:
Sorry Al just couldn't resist. :)

Re: Hickory Hills Ice

Posted: January 30th, 2012, 8:31 pm
by BigAl
It doesn't come out near as easily as it goes in. And it's a 13, not a 12.