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2012 Tournament Sugguestions

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 11:03 am
by Limit
The tournament board will meet sometime in the next couple of weeks to put together the 2012 Tournament Schedule and discuss any possible rule changes for 2012. If you have fished or plan to fish tournaments please response to this post, call, text, and/or email me or any of the tournament board members and let us know what you liked and/or disliked about the tournaments this past year. Tell us what bodies of water you would like to fish in 2012 and any rule changes you think would benefit our tournaments. This is your chance as a club angler to let the tournament board know your ideas. Also, if you are interested in being on the tournament board give me a call.

Thanks, Kyle Colbert

Re: 2012 Tournament Sugguestions

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 11:41 am
by HookedUp1
Kyle & Tournament Board.

I thought this year, 2011 choice of fisheries was excellent, even though the weather & high water was not favorable. However Ithink the unfavorable conditions test our skill as fishermen.
I definitely liked the Lake Pepin Tournament ( both Red Wing and Pepin), wished the ramp was better a Pepin. Maybe Bay City, WI. location would work. Also the two day tournament was fantastic - and good fish caught. I would second that type of tournament again. Clear Lake fishery should be great the next few years --lots of 13 &14 inch fish are being caught this year.
In so far as any new places, I wonder what Bellvue or Dubuque or even Savana on the Sippi would be for a tournament. I don't know what Coralville fishery is like, but it is close. Also Big Spirit Lake would get my interest as well. However I do know that it is a long way to travel, epecially coming home on Sunday--it would make a very long day.
Rathbun, might be a good place for the 1st tournament of the year --chances of ice on the water would be slim and flooding hopefully minimal at that time of the year.
Have the radio's and boats in an ordered lineup was good --organized and safer that blasting off with boats wherever.
The board with names & weights was another excellent idea, let everyone see where they stood at the weight-in.

Job Well done guys!

Re: 2012 Tournament Sugguestions

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 10:08 pm
by dbonwell
I agree with Walt and have been very happy with 2011 locations. Weather and conditions are out of anybodies control. Not sure about Spirit, but am willing to learn. Storm lake is a big draw and gives the club some good recognition. I would like to fish them all and hope they don't interfere with the MWC schedule Greg and I will be doing.

After more thought I would like to see one change: Take the teams top 4 tourneys for the championship. I think for some reason or another it's hard for some to make all 5 tourneys wether it's other tourneys, vacation etc....