Well the Milo & Teske team was on the cedar today, and what a day. Nice weather,nice fishin, and we even seen some other walleye fisherman on the river.
They always try to find our spl. hole, but we move around so they have to wonder, is that were they gotem or was it the other place?
We did get walleyes,suckers,catfish,carp and bass.
Well see ya on the water.
cedar river fishin
Re: cedar river fishin
Crussing up the river above Cedar Falls somewhere today came across two ole boys hunkered up in a big downed tree fishing down into the snags. Claimed they had 4 walleyes????????? One ole boy gave up some advise(bighting on crawlers) So went on up river and exhausted 2 dosen of them. Carl---you are a b.s.er. But maybe a better fisherman than me. JD.
Re: cedar river fishin
I been catching a few walleye on the cedar river on a worm its been slow .