We just completed our annual Walleye Stocking and road clean-up last Saturday. Special thanks to the 11 club members who helped pick up trash and stock the 1842, 6 to 9-inch Walleyes, 614 each in three area lakes, Harold Getty, George Wyth and Big Woods. Our next event will be the Boat Show in Jan. at the Uni-Dome. October 18th and 19th ten club members made the trip to Red Wing for a fun fishing weekend, The Thursday before was good but the weather warmed Friday and Saturday and the bite slowed. We all had a good time sharing a meal each night and telling fish stories!

The Tournament Board should soon start putting together the schedule for 2025, if you have any suggestions for locations and dates let them know.
Regular order of business will include the Treasurers, D.N.R., Tournament and Presidents reports and a SCHEELS gift card attendance drawing. Following the meeting Darrel Kinkade will be demonstrating Jig painting with powder paint.
See You Monday!