November 6th. M.T.G. agenda

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Joined: December 15th, 2012, 6:08 pm

November 6th. M.T.G. agenda

Post by tahrens »

Monday's meeting, along with the regular order of business, will include review of the Genoa Tournament, discuss 2024 T.W.F. membership and Liability insurance. Set date for the April Trout Stocking. Discuss the upcoming Boat and Sport Shows. The Club members Banquet is set for Saturday Feb. 3rd. at the Local 838 U.A.W. hall. The Banquet committee should start meeting to finalize the agenda.

The Cedar Valley Walleye Club will hold the Executive Board Election at the March 4th. 2024 Membership meeting. All Twelve positions will be up for election, along with the Seven Member Tournament Board. Please consider running, supporting and advancing our Club. Nomination's will take place at the January and February meetings. 2023 is our Club's 20th. anniversary, lets keep it going for 20 more years and beyond!

See you Monday!!
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