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Monday June 6th meeting agenda

Posted: June 6th, 2022, 9:24 am
by tahrens
Tonight, we will discuss Family Fun Day set for Sunday August 21, followed by our member picnic to be held at the George Wyth (Lodge), more info to come. Reviewing the Clear Lake tournament and Jim's Sport Shop kid's Day.

Outdoor Journey for Girls event is scheduled for July 12-14 at Hickory hills park, for girls ages 12-15. If you know anyone that would like to participate, contact me, (319-464-6223) or the DNR website for Iowa Women in Natural Resources. The club will pay the registration. This is a three-day, two-night workshop aimed at introducing outdoor skills, in a supportive, learning environment where they have an opportunity to try things hand on. It is limited to 30 girls.

Canoeing and water safety.
Fish and wildlife identification.
Camping and outdoor survival
Game care
Fishing and preparing the catch
Hunter education certification

See you Tonight!