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April 23rd. Family Trout Stocking Day

Posted: April 11th, 2022, 10:15 am
by tahrens
Just received call from HY-VEE they are going to donate our request of 200 hot dogs/buns and condiments. As I will be in Ohio that weekend, we need members to help cook and serve that day also need someone to go to the Crossroads store to pick up the donations. also need to get hot dog "boats" or small paper plates, or towels so serve them on.

Other items needed;
Tables, chairs, Banners, Tackle give aways, Hot chocolate/cups, water?
garbage cans with liners, one for recyclable's

If you are willing to help out, please reply here, call or text me as soon as possible so we can set a pick-up date and time.
Thanks, Tim

Re: April 23rd. Family Trout Stocking Day

Posted: April 16th, 2022, 5:05 pm
by obd6
are we going to post anything on facebook about the upcoming trout stocking?