2020 Update(s) CVWC Anglers
Posted: September 8th, 2020, 12:28 pm
The CVWC Tournament board meet on Monday September 7th and would like to remind everyone that we are holding our year end two day day tournament on October 24th and 25th. Check in time starts at 0630 and end at 0715 hours. We will launch from the Village Creek ramp in Lansing at 0730 and you will be required to be back at the ramp by no later than 1530; with the weigh in starting shortly afterwards. This should be an excellent fall bite. Come on out and fish with us ! For the NTC anglers fishing this event will have implementations on the 2021 NTC selections (along with club participation).
The 2021 NTC will launch from the shores of Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay next July.
Reminder, that in order to fish this event you will need to be a member of TWF (The Walleye Federation) prior to the end of the 2020 season.
The tournament board is considering changing the format of our tournament to a CPR format (Catch Photo Release). There are several advantages to this format:
1) You can record fish that you could not normally count towards your bag weight aka "slot fish".
2) It opens up new tournament dates for anglers aka ( June July August).
3) larger "bag" weights
4) This format is used by the WAT , AIM , H2H and seems to be a tournament direction.
5) And it is easier on the fish with minimal handling and minimal time out of the water and no long livewell rides.
We want your thoughts and input as to this change, we could do any number of tournaments, all or none - let us know !
The tournament board will be meeting in early November to set a tournament schedule for the 2021 season. Now is the time to start thinking about when and where you would like to fish next year. You can post here on the Forum or contact any one of your tournament board members (Mike, Donnie, Tim, Bob, Greg or Scott). Remember to keep in mind the best bite at the best time of the year and our angler following, as we need a minimum of ten boats to make a tournament "worthwhile".
I hope everyone has had an opportunity to to get out and "HookOne", the "big creek" has an awesome panfish bite going on this summer.
Mike Everding
Tournament Director
The 2021 NTC will launch from the shores of Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay next July.
Reminder, that in order to fish this event you will need to be a member of TWF (The Walleye Federation) prior to the end of the 2020 season.
The tournament board is considering changing the format of our tournament to a CPR format (Catch Photo Release). There are several advantages to this format:
1) You can record fish that you could not normally count towards your bag weight aka "slot fish".
2) It opens up new tournament dates for anglers aka ( June July August).
3) larger "bag" weights
4) This format is used by the WAT , AIM , H2H and seems to be a tournament direction.
5) And it is easier on the fish with minimal handling and minimal time out of the water and no long livewell rides.
We want your thoughts and input as to this change, we could do any number of tournaments, all or none - let us know !
The tournament board will be meeting in early November to set a tournament schedule for the 2021 season. Now is the time to start thinking about when and where you would like to fish next year. You can post here on the Forum or contact any one of your tournament board members (Mike, Donnie, Tim, Bob, Greg or Scott). Remember to keep in mind the best bite at the best time of the year and our angler following, as we need a minimum of ten boats to make a tournament "worthwhile".
I hope everyone has had an opportunity to to get out and "HookOne", the "big creek" has an awesome panfish bite going on this summer.
Mike Everding
Tournament Director