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Lake Pepin June 13th

Posted: June 1st, 2015, 8:00 am
by ranger10
Don't forget to sign up for the Lake Pepin tournament that will be held June 13th. We will be launching out of the City Ramp in Pepin, WI.

Re: Lake Pepin June 13th

Posted: June 3rd, 2015, 2:51 pm
Hey Chase put Wingding and Tony down for Pepin Were going to give the boys a run for there money :o :o :o :o :o

Tiger Thanks

Re: Lake Pepin June 13th

Posted: June 3rd, 2015, 4:00 pm
by ranger10
You are on the list.

Re: Lake Pepin June 13th

Posted: June 11th, 2015, 7:54 am
by ranger10
Trent and I are planning to head over to the Pickle Factory, Friday around 7:00pm for the night before the tournament "unofficial rules meeting/beer drinking/story telling" event. See you all there!

Re: Lake Pepin June 13th

Posted: June 14th, 2015, 3:58 pm
by ranger10
Results are now posted under the "Tournament line up/weigh in list". I would like to congratulate Doug Bonwell and Greg Mahlstedt on the big win! They had a weight of 22.98 lbs and took home big fish, with a 7.14 lb beauty! Thank you, to all 16 teams that entered.

Top 5:
1. Doug Bonwell and Greg Mahlsteadt - 22.98
2. Jeff and Darwin Heiltibridle - 15.34
3. Greg and Cody Dietz - 11.04
4. Joe Newcomb and Kyle Brantner - 11.02
5. Chase Freidig and Trent Schneckt - 10.86