Guttenberg Tournament Report
Posted: October 6th, 2014, 9:26 am
Can you believe an October Club Tournament on the river and NO GRASS!!!! A great weekend to be on the river and our club anlgers put the hurt on the Pool 11 walleyes & saugers! Overall, this may have been have the best club river tournament to date. Multiple teams were done early on day one, team Bonwell fished a total of 3-4 hours the whole weekend, & team Halverson & Schmitt broke the single day and two-day club records for most weight. We had 34 anglers entered into the tourament and the team of Ben & Nick Baker finished in 5th place for total weight of 15.52 lbs. Fourth place was team "Young Guns" Taylor & Connor Steffens with a total weight of 18.34 lbs. Third place was team "Walleye Fishing is Easy" Brad Behrens & Zach Bindert with a total weight of 18.62 lbs. Second place was team "I Can't Keep These Walleye Off My Line" Doug & Lynn Bonwell with a great weight of 32.36 lbs. And First place was "This Team of the Year Stuff is Easy" Mark Halverson & Tom Schmitt with a two-day club record weight of 35.56 lbs, anchored by a single day club record weight on day two of 23.02 lbs, and big fish of the tournament 7.80 lbs! Great Job top 5 teams! Well this wraps up the 2014 season, thanks to all the anglers that fished in 2014, and please fish with us next year.
Kyle Colbert, CVWC Tournament Board Member
Kyle Colbert, CVWC Tournament Board Member