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Re: Redwing
Posted: October 13th, 2012, 11:32 pm
by jighead-two
Re: Redwing
Posted: October 15th, 2012, 2:05 pm
by FireTiger
We will bring a batch of Cheesey Potatoes. Looking froward to it. My dad and uncle are making the trip too.
The Bentz Boys and Captain Colbert
Re: Redwing
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 7:30 pm
It looks like I will be there with my farmer friends. We've been doing this for several years at this time because harvest is over and not assosiated with the club. We will be at staying at Everet's and hope to see you guys on the river. Randy H.
Red Wing Travel
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 12:24 pm
by HookedUp1
Hey guys, What time of day is anyone planning to go up to Red Wing on Friday?
I was thinking of a caravan like some of us did last year and having breakfast somewhere along the route!
Anyone interested?
I am planning to leave CF @ 5:30AM on Friday.
Re: Redwing
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 1:23 pm
by jighead-two
Like to Walt, but we can't leave until Brad gets off work.
Re: Redwing
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 2:45 pm
by gregeye78
Hey doug,if you got a fryer can I have mine back??Have a blast guys,make sure doug washes his fryer!
Re: Redwing
Posted: November 6th, 2012, 9:33 pm
by dbonwell
Right after you clean the boat, I'll clean the fryer. lol