Well the first CVWC tournament of 2011 was a rough one for the 12 boats that braved the tough conditions! High river levels and the recent cold weather made for tough fishing. At take-off my trolling motor transducer was reading a 20 degree air temp and a 5-10 mph breeze from the northeast made for a COLD morning of fishing and the fish must have thought the same. I would like to report how the top team placed, but for the first time in CVWC tournament history there were no fish brought to the scales. The entry fees will be rolled over to the Storm Lake tournament and the tournament board will decide how many points the anglers will receive for showing up and fishing the tournament by the April monthly meeting. Although no fish were weighed the weekend was not without incidents for future gossip. Bob Stewart is officially in the lead for the “2011 Pink Flamingo Award” for falling into the 36 degree river water! It seems Bob was in need of a mid-morning restroom break when he was walking on a local family members dock and because of faulty engineering the dock wobbled and Bob was in up to his waist, but at least not over his head. Next, it was not a good weekend to own an evinrude outboard. Matt never made it away from the boat ramp and needed a back-up boat to fish the tournament and Kyle came to check-in with a knocking sound in the lower unit that needs to be investigated at the shop! I can hear the Old FishEye News Reporter saying something about how great Ranger boats are, but I have to remind him. It is not the boats that had trouble. I personally want to thank every angler for showing up and braving the tough conditions to help support our club, which is what is it all about! The Storm Lake tournament prize pot is now sweetened by $960 so make plans to fish!
Kyle Colbert, CVWC Tournament Director