The tournament board meet last night and were able to agree on the 2019 schedule and a couple of rule changes to the Big Fish Pot.
2019 Schedule (all dates and locations are tentative until we get permits):
March 30 - Pool 9 - Genoa, WI
April 27 - Clear Lake - Ventura, IA
May 18 - Pool 14 - Clinton, IA
June 8 - Pool 4 - Pepin, WI
July 13 - Rathbun Lake - Rathbun, IA (This will be a Catch, Record, Release tournament)
October 26-27 - Pool 9 - Lansing, IA
Big Fish Pot rule changes:
The big fish pot will pay out for a two day tournament has changed to 1st place day one =50% and 1st place day two =50%.
The big fish pot will pay out for a one day tournament has changed to 1st=60% and 2nd=40%.
2019 Tournament Schedule
2019 Tournament Schedule
Chase Freidig
Re: 2019 Tournament Schedule
Good job on the tournament schedule, some new mixed in with the old, should be fun and challenging and as with some tournaments, a learning experience - I'm looking forward to it
(after hardwater season of course) !
Mike Everding 33-16

Mike Everding 33-16