2016 Tournament Location Ideas

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Joined: August 7th, 2013, 1:26 pm
Location: Waterloo, IA

Re: 2016 Tournament Location Ideas

Post by ranger10 »

For this season, we have added an extra points tournament. That means there will be 6 points tournaments this year! Before you say "Hey, that seems like too many tournaments and I will not be able to make them all", we have made a change to our angler of the year standings. This year we will be taking your best 5 finishes out of the 6 points tournaments. That means is you bomb one or you are unable to attend one then you have a chance to make up the points that you missed out on and still be able to potentially win angler/anglers of the year.

To promote more fish being caught at our lake tournaments we will be using the lake minimum length requirement instead of our clubs 15 inch minimum.

The tournament board worked hard to find dates and locations that should provide good bites.
The tentative schedule (pending permits):
  • March 26th - Pool 9, Black Hawk Park (Genoa ramp if high water).
    April 23rd - Pool 11, Guttenberg City Ramp
    May 7th - Storm Lake, at the Storm Lake Marina (14 inch minimum)
    June 4th - Pool 4, Pepin City Ramp (by the Pickle Factory)
    October 1st - Clear Lake, Ventura City Ramp (14 inch minimum)
    October 22 & 23 - Pool 9, Lansing City Ramp
Chase Freidig
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