2015 tournament schedule

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2015 tournament schedule

Post by walliseeu »

I'm not trying to stir the pot here, and I would appreciate no rude replies. Just wondering if anyone else is bummed out that almost all the tournaments are on the Mississippi? I too love fishing the sippi. Just seems to me that ones who don't get to it on a weekly basis are at a great disadvantage. Like I sated before I'm not trying to stir the pot. Just a little bummed out that every year I look forward to seeing the schedule seeing what new and exciting places I'd have the oppertunity to try. I wish everyone the best of luck this upcoming season.
Old Fisheye
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Re: 2015 tournament schedule

Post by Old Fisheye »

Old Fisheye On Tournament Board Choices.

This is not a smart answer as you might expect from "Old Fisheye"

As a member of the Tournament Board for the last 11-12 Years I keep most of the records.
In 2011 we had 3 Lake Tournaments and 2 Miss. Tournaments.
In 2012 we had 2 Lake Tournaments and 3 Miss. Tournaments.
In 2013 we had 1 Lake Tournaments and 3 Miss. Tournaments.
In 2014 we had 2 Lake Tournaments and 3 Miss. Tournaments.

We have always tried to please everyone as we have 6-10 people on the tournament
board, all with a better idea. This year was no different. There were members that pushed for more lakes this year and after much discussion & Yes arguing those same people that wanted more lakes,
voted for the Miss Tournaments due to weather, water levels, time of the year, and other tournaments that cross our membership. So as a result we just happen to have a lot of Miss. tournaments.
Also another item that comes into play is that, Rathbun, Brushy, 3 Mile, all produce fish in the summer months when we are guided by the DNR with No tournaments in June July and August.
All of the above is discussed during our tournament board meetings and it just seems to be the only way to solve the tournament selection process by picking more Miss. Tournaments.

I think everyone will agree is more fun to catch fish than not to catch fish. If you catch 3-4 nice fish and lose, it's better that not catching any fish all day and still lose.

Well I hope I haven't made any people upset as I usually do sometimes. Hope to see you all at the Boat Show.
Old Fisheye/The Eagle/ T.J.Blank
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Re: 2015 tournament schedule

Post by walliseeu »

Good answer!!! Still bums me out!! Just wondering if anyone else felt the same.
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Re: 2015 tournament schedule

Post by ranger10 »

I am a little bummed too because I will be missing Storm Lake, the one lake that I suggested at the tournament board meeting. Clear Lake was also one of the options when the board was discussing this year, however there were comments that people did not want to go back because the lack of fish being caught. It is not fun for a lot of people when when only 1/4 of the field catch fish.
Chase Freidig
Captain Crankbait
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Re: 2015 tournament schedule

Post by Captain Crankbait »

The reality is in this part of the state (maybe the entire state) your best bet to catch a walleye, consistently during the time frame when tournaments are allowed is probably in a river. Since there are not any tournaments in Iowa during the months June, July and August. It would be a good time to try those other places. I mean you don't need to have a tournament to go fishing, experience the area, and have a good time. I think the tournament board did the best they could to please as many as possible. Lets face it we are not the land of 10,000 lakes we are the land of corn, and poor water quality. That is REALITY!!!
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