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What a difference a year makes! Warmer weather and water temps (52°) along with a river at normal stage and flow. What do you get? WALLEYES!!! The first CVWC Tournament of 2012 was a good one. We had 15 boats enter the tournament, 9 boats brought fish to the scales, 3 boats had limits, and some nice prespawn females were weighed. Yes prespawn! Just because we have had a record breaking warm weather, the females are still waiting for the first part of April to release their eggs. So if you still want to catch a big mama full of eggs, you still have time!
I have no 2012 Pink Flamingo nominations from this tournament so I will get to the results. Finishing in 5th place with a 5-fish limit for 8.22 lbs was the team of Kyle “I’ve Had ENOUGH Handlining” Colbert & Adam “One More Crown Royal, Miss” Bentz. Finishing in 4th place with 3 fish for 8.44 lbs was the team of Todd “A Jon Boat Works Better Than a Ranger for Fishing the Wall of the Lock” Borwig & Harry “I Forgot my Sunscreen” Borwig. The 3rd place team with a 5-fish limit for 9.88 lbs was the team of Al “Red Lund” Clausman and Bob “This Co-Piloting Thing is OK” Stewart. Finishing in 2nd place with 2 fish anchored by 7.70 lb prespawn female, the big fish of the tournament, for a total weight of 11.18 lbs was the team of Tom “Get the Net ” Merron & Dave “Wish We Could Have Got That 9 Pounder in the Net” Merron. The 1st place team with an awesome 5-fish limit, anchored by a 4.34 lber, for a total weight of 16.20 lbs was the team of Matt “The Handliner” Vlasak & Dave “May George Rest in Peace” Asche. Congrats to all the top finishing teams and thanks to all the anglers for helping support the club to the amount of $432! Join us at the club meeting on Monday to hear how the top teams caught their fish.

Kyle Colbert, CVWC Tournament Director
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