Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

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Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by HookedUp1 »

Going up to pool 10 later today --anything biting? Crappie? Walleye?
Also what is the river condition?

Walt E.
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by wingding »

WALT---YA NEED A BOAT BOY ?????????????? got wax and windex! Hope ya catch some. Going up next week to hopefuley fill up the freeser for the winter with bass and northern. Give me a report when you can. Wingding!
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by HookedUp1 »

Fishing report form Saturday Oct 1st pool 10.
sheepshead are doing well in the River can catch them pretty much at will. Walleye slow, I think Trent caught them all - saw him throwing crank baits- I tried tolling, drifting, jigging and dead sticking --one sauger was all I could come up with.
Crappie bite was very slow only fished for them fo about an hour early in the morning. Bluegill can be caught but no real size to them.
Don't fish for Bass -they have to volunteer to get on my line.
It was a beautiful day on the River and the trees are turning very rapidly - this week will probably be prime color change.
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by jighead-two »

10/8/2011, put in at the ramp at the Rock. 3 dink sauger 1 dink striper and a couple of misses. Brad did a little better, but not much. Couldn't even get a sheephead. :oops:

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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by thalweg87 »

I was on pool 10 from Sept 30 through Oct 5.

Walleye - slow. My boat ended up with 5 keepers and several shorts. Another boat did about the same.

Pike - was not targeting but ended up C&Ring a 33" and a 34"

Crappie - my boat only targeted about 1.5 days total. Overall did okay but not as well as some past years. Largest was 14". Many C&Rs under 9". Including C&Rs, my boat caught approximately 100 - 125.

Bluegill - other boats targeted. Many nice bluegill

The group overall had enough fish for a 15 person fish fry and froze about 20 quarts.
Dave Cook

"The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn't someone else's gift to you?" Lee Wulff
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by Limit »

I’m not trying to start a holy war here or offend anyone because I know this is a volatile subject amongst anglers, but I can’t help myself Dave! Didn’t I hear you give a presentation to the club about how our club’s tournament anglers should not keep 8 walleye in a livewell??? And then you post 6 months later that your group froze 20 QUARTS of fish???

I don’t want this to be misinterpreted!
1.) I’m glad Dave had a good fishing trip!
2.) I’m glad Dave posted a successful trip on the club forum. That is what the forum is all about!
3.) Knowing Dave, I know he did not break any regulations so he has every right to keep the fish he caught!
4.) I personally don’t have any objection that Dave kept fish or the amount of fish he kept! I keep fish myself and my have done the samething!

The motto I live by concerning ethical fishing is, “if an angler is not breaking any regulations, how can another angler question the practices of that angler!”

I’m not questioning that Dave kept fish or the amount of fish he kept, what I’m questioning is? Dave felt it important enough to make an official presentation to the club, that our tournament anglers should not keep more than 6 fish in a livewell! While practicing methods with a group of anglers that froze 20 QUARTS of fish! It sounds like Dave only kept 5 walleye/sauger, but a fish is a fish!

MOSTLY, this is not a personal shot at Dave who is a great club member and great angler! This is simply something for Dave and other club members to consider before they express their fishing practices on other anglers.

Let the posts begin!!!
Kyle Colbert
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by thalweg87 »


A few points

Your comments are not taken personally. Likewise my comments at the meeting and below are not personal.

My comments at the meeting centered around latent mortality rates of fish, more specifically walleye, retained in a livewell and later released. And that the rate goes up with water temperature.

My comments were based upon retention rates of anglers DURING club tournaments. I have no issue with anglers keeping their legal limit otherwise. I was not questioning the practices of the anglers, I was questioning the practices of the club tournaments.

I did not impose (or express) anything on the club. Both sides presented their case, the club voted, and my side won. I cannot speak to the motivation of everyone voting on my side. Among other things it could have been they perceived the message from the tourney side was that the board wanted to do it and they should not be questioned since it was legal. Likewise, I cannot speak for the motivations of those on your side and whether they were motivated because they felt they could personally benefit from the change and have a better chance to attend the NTC.

All fish that were placed into my livewell were consumed – no latent mortality concerns here.

We are all well within our legal limits at all times.

I never stated that I never keep more than 6 fish in my livewell at a time. On this trip, I had a maximum of 2 walleye in the livewell at a time. And a maximum of 25 crappies at one time – split between three guys and two livewells. However, this is not important within the tournament retention rate discussion since none of the fish were released.

The retained fish were spread between a total of five boats over 6 days, I did not have 20 bags worth of fish in my boat at the same time.

A little math. 20 bags/12 anglers/6 days = 0.278 bags per angler per day. Not very impressive.

Countless numbers of fish were released. We did not keep everything that was caught. I think they call this selective harvest.

Countless numbers of fish will be released before I put any more in my freezer.

If the club ever gets to the point where a member is not encouraged to speak up on issues that they feel are important – I am out of here.
Dave Cook

"The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn't someone else's gift to you?" Lee Wulff
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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by Blackbird »


Good reply, just to let you know , the night bite is on. Azy was up lastweek end, an got lots of fish. biggest was 27", it wen't back. Iwas up 3 days before him, and we fished till 04:30. Got over 50. Let me know when you can go.

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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by Limit »

Thank you for not taking any of my comments personal Dave, as I assure you that I did not take any of your comments personal.
I could not agree more with your last comment, "If the club ever gets to the point where a member is not encouraged to speak up on issues that they feel are important – I am out of here."
That is why I made my post.

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Re: Pool 10 Harpers Ferry Bite

Post by WALLEYE1 »

Shoot, one year at Lake Erie when the walleye limit was 10 a day with no possesion limit the group I was with brought home over 400 legal walleye in 1 week. The next week in the Waterloo Courier a certain reporter felt it was necessry to write a whole column about how it wasn't ethical if all you did was to go fish for a limit because it was there for the taking. We thought we did pretty good and there were millions of catchable walleyes in the lake that year, maybe he was jealous. RH
Rooster, I'm all shot to pieces,well you asked for it.
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